A friend is like a flower,a rose to be exact,Or maybe like a brand new gatethat never comes unlatched.A friend is like an owl,both beautiful and wise.Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,whose spirit never dies.A friend is like a heart that goesstrong until the end.Where would we be in this worldif we didn't have a friend.
AS a day turns into night, Keeping worries out of site … No matter how tuf d world may seem, But …. U still deserve the sweetest dream tonight …. Good Night!!!
i hav ma galfrnd ^_^ buh so sad foh her am lil'bit cruel am half complex as people expct ma name izZz justin an i hav no nickname xD maria izZz good cz i lv real namez
ciaoooo maria ti chiedo enormemente scusa se ti rispondo in ritardo ma ho avuto molte cose da fare e problemi con internet grazie per esserti preoccupata per me mi sei mancata molto comunque ti farei volentieri da guida turistica in italia