I miss u when somethng really g0od happens,becoz youre the one i want to share it with.
I miss u when somethng troublng me,becoz youre the only one who undrstands me so well.
I miss u when i laugh and cry,becoz i knw that you are the one that makegr my laughter grow and my tearz disappear.
I miss you all the time,but i miss you the m0st when i lie awake at nyt and think of all the w0ndrful times that we spent each other for th0se were s0me of the best and m0st mem0rable times of my life.
There have always been good time and bad times, many times even we have lost faith in ourselves and others. No matter how much pain and suffering there is in the world, there will always be some people who still have hope who don't give up... and inspire us to do what is HUMAN LOOK
">http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i382979_396382-301781529880737-84264-n.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i382976_416858-300871909971699-77964-n.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i382969_544686-327917197267170-12107-n.jpg" border="0"/> Friends shave their heads to support their friend who lost his hair due to cancer HUMANITY IS NOT IN HELPING PEOPLE FOR OUR OWN BENEFITS... Innocent animals, they have nt born for serving us.. just bcz they cn't speak and express themselves they way we human do, doesn't mean that we r d owners of there lives.. We needs to value there life... They are as precious as we r........ ♥ ">http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i382967_4515991-460s.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i382975_420281-301549016570655-18543-n.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i382978_404191-300871496638407-18132-n.jpg" border="0"/> WE STILL HAVE SOME REAL HEROES Wishing ur meaningful weekend ahead